Tuesday, March 15, 2011

All work and no play

This week is crunch week.  We have some huge deliverables for our client this week in terms of completing workshops, wrapping up loose ends and preparing documentation.  Next week will be a few days of presentations to the clients followed by a media day next Friday with the IBM West African Executive and the IBM Ghana Country General Manager.  Thus, my blogging will be minimal until the weekend.  But I thought I'd share with you a picture of one of my peaceful moments I steal each morning from this crazy schedule, albeit I can find a quiet moment only at 6 a.m. before everyone arrives for breakfast. 

A peaceful moment before the hectic day starts
At this time in the morning the sun is just coming up and is peaking over the roof line by the pool.  I generally take some notes for the day, write in my journal or close my eyes and enjoy the sounds of the birds and the wind blowing in the palms.  Around 6:30 a.m. I start to hear the traffic (car horns are constant here), the hotel staff are talking and laughing in their local language and I can hear the children on the street and sometimes playing in the school yard close by (they start early in the mornings here).  The solitude is brief but it is the one piece of my schedule I'm holding sacred while I'm here in Ghana.

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